Monday, October 31, 2011

I'm Cyclical

It has been seven months since I've written. This was supposed to be a blog about sharing all the beautiful things in my life. My life has been so overflowing with beauty that I've forgotten to take time out to write about them. That's a really good problem to have. I feel like there are all kinds of problems in my life right now that are bogging me down. They are all first world problems. The fact that I even have these minor nuisances is a testament to the really beautiful and great things going on in my life.
*I've gained weight while I was on vacation. I got to go on a vacation, for free, and I have plenty to eat. Most importantly, my son has plenty to eat and clean water to drink.
* I have a tons of homework and writing to do and I feel like I am running out of time to get everything finished. I am financially able to go to school. I am cognitively able to store and recall information. I live in a place where I have access to a good education that will further me, intellectually and professionally.
*Work has been crazy, with a student that has made everything crazy. I have a job that I enjoy. I am able to support our little family all by myself. I have really great coworkers that I enjoy working with.
* I am heartbroken. I had the opportunity to get to be best friends with a really great person. I had nine months full of laughing, good conversations, snuggling and great company. I was able to learn a lot of new things. I was introduced to new friends and good music.

Gosh, poor little me. I have such a rough life.

A little over a year ago, I made a really big, life changing decision. I am grateful to be able to say that I have never looked back or regretted my decision. My life has blossomed in my life as a grownup. This past year has been a time of watching myself evolve, as well as a smack in the face of those patterns and habits that I just can't seem to break. It has been the best year of my life. This time last year, I was fearful of the winter months. I was afraid of the amalgamation of the changes in my life, the forthcoming cold, dark months and the unknown were going to choke me. I wanted a time machine just to propel me into the spring months. In a previous post, however, I talked about how many great things had happened in those months that I had wanted to skip. I am finding myself again fearful of what the next season holds for me. I have full faith that the coming months hold great things in store for me; ones that I don't expect, ones that will fall short of what I think is best for me and ones that far surpass my expectations. Next weekend is the start of Daylight Savings time. Instead of focusing on the increased amount of darkness and the cold weather, I am going to look forward to snowflakes falling on my eyelashes, water dripping off melting icicles, the first day of winter, where every day, there is a little bit more light than there was the day before.

1 comment:

  1. I loved how you reframed your complaints. What a good lesson to learn. And then apply to one's own life. xo
