Saturday, November 26, 2011

wah wah wah

My ex once told me I was spoiled Disney princess. I was horrified at the time, but I am realizing how true it is. I am very impatient. I want what I want, and I want it now. I am especially lazy when it comes to emotions. I don't want to be bothered by negative emotions. I only want the good ones. I feel like i am entitled to only good stuff. When I do have to feel negative emotions, I want them to be placed in a box and on a timeline so I know when things will feel better. I want to manipulate and manage sadness and anger so it won't affect me anymore. If I can put it in a box, I can put it away in a closet and not open it. Even though when I've done that in the past, the box falls off that closet shelf at really inopportune times and smacks me in the face. That's not what I need. I am asking for patience and peace with all of this and I am fairly certain it will come. Hopefully sooner than later, cause I'm feeling a little impatient.

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