Friday, August 27, 2010

I dreamed a dream

I have had very bizarre dreams this past week. Most of my dreams are absolutely crazy. There is no way to derive any meaning from them. This week's dreams have been very pogniant and with meaning so obvious, it slapped me in the face. The first dream was that my mom and I had gone shopping at Kohls. They were giving away promotional puppies. The puppies came in cardboard crates. We took one and put the crate in the trunk with our shopping bags. The next day, we realized that we had left the puppy in the trunk. In the dream, it had been very hot and we knew there was no way the puppy could have survived in the heat. We were horrified at the fact that we had forgotten this puppy and at the prospect of having to go get the dead puppy from the trunk.

I had two dreams the next night. The first was that I was at a Target, but it was more like an industrial building. There was a clearance rack up on a pedestal. The rack was inside a cage and I had to crawl up through a small opening in the fencing to get to the clothes. The rack was full of spectacular costumes. The one outfit in particular that stands out is a short, sequined dress with a flaired waist that looked like something a cowgirl that does tricks on top of a horse would wear. Everything on the rack was in my size and marked down to $1.25. I was grabbing everything as fast as I could. There was another girl that came into the cage and told me to leave something for other people to buy. I told her that I had gotten there first and that if she wanted the clothes, then she should start grabbing some herself. End of dream.

The dress was like this, but shorter, with a flaired waist with taffeta and with way more sequins. Oh, and it was not an apron.

Dream number two began with me walking to Krogers. On Park Avenue, I turned the corner to find a really great midcenetury modern couch. It was unlike anything I have ever seen. It was a very large square, about 6x6'. One side had a back that could sit up to create a recliner. It was rusty red in color and in great shape. I got out my cell phone to call Akira so she could walk down the street and sit with the couch so I could go get the truck to take it home. I smelled the couch and it smelled like a Jewish home.(Whatever that means. Like Matzo balls?) The smell made me feel very at home and secure. End of Dream two. I woke up very dissapointed that these fabulous clothes and couch were not mine. I have had lots of dreams where I find excellent vintage things and buy them, only to wake up empty handed and sad.

The couch was like this, but red and better. Dream couch was not a sectional.

Last night I had two more significant dreams. The first was that we went back and visited our old house on Southview Drive. This house was nothing exceptional. It was a nice house, right next door to the house where Denali was born. When I think of that house, the first memory that comes to my mind is a potty training Denali sans diaper on the wooden floors, trying to use Darin's record rack to pull himself up. I got on a big bread making kick while I lived there. Life was really happy while we were there. In the dream, we went back to visit. I felt really sad that other people were living there. It bothered me that they lived there, yet they knew nothing of the significance of the house. That it had housed our family for a year. That Denali potty trained there and Mahala learned to read in that house. Where the basement flooded and ruined a bunch of stuff that we should have gotten rid of already, with the exception of about 300 Grateful Dead bootleg tapes. They didn't know about the bread I made there, or the boxed wine that was in the fridge. They didn't know about my best friend's daughter and her magnetism towards falling down the steps. They didn't know anything about the role that those walls played in our family's history. End of dream one.

The second dream last night was that we had to move out of our current house so it could be fixed up. We thought that we would find a place to stay temporarily while they fixed the house. We came back to check on the progress and the entire house had been remodeled and painted. The ceiling had been opened up and there was a balcony looking down on the living room. The room was painted the same color that Akira, Mahala & Darin painted their bedroom yesterday. It was a completely different house! Our stuff was not on the walls and our furniture was gone. There were new people living in it. We were flabergasted. End of dream two.

So, between forgetting something really important, thinking I have found things I want that turn out to not be real and whatever the home dreams mean, I feel like there is big symbolism in these dreams. I have no idea what they mean. I feel certain that they do have some meaning. I'm trying not to project any meaning onto the dreams. Maybe tonight I will have dreams of rememberance, seeing things for what they are and being comfortable in my own space, no matter where that takes me.

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