Sunday, August 29, 2010

I dreamed another dream

At the end of my last post, I hoped that I would dream a dream of remembrance, and I did. I went to high school with a guy named Tevis Shaw. He was a year younger than I was. We shared the same circle of friends and usually shared the same lunch table, but never really became friends. Tevis died a few years ago after falling in the Gorge during the night. He had gotten up to use the bathroom and fell to his death. His friends found him the next morning. While I did not know Tevis well, I was friends with his good friends, including the two that had the heartbreaking experience of finding their best friend. Fast forward a year or two. It is MLKJr. day and I took my kids to the Explorium to celebrate. We listened to a lesson given by a woman who seemed familiar. I made the connection that this was Tevis's mother. I saw her several more times and I had always wanted to speak to her and express my condolences for her loss. I didn't do it because I was afraid it would be another reminder (Like she had ever forgotten?) of the child she had lost. I was at a party this Spring Equinox and saw her there. I decided I should intoduce myself and finally give her the long overdue condolences she deserved. I introduced myself and we spoke about Tevis. I told her how I had wanted to say something for years, but I didn't want to upset her. She was so glad I had said something. One of the things, she told me, was that one fear of parents that have experienced this kind of loss, is that people will forget about their child. I felt very connected to her that night. Not long after that, she arrived at a ladies dinner that my best friend hosted. I was so estactic to see her there. As the conversation between all the ladies progressed, the topic turned to children and of their passing. Kathleen told us about Tevis and his life. I was sitting next to her and I held her hand the entire time. It was heartbreaking to hear her sadness and the pain she has that will never subside. Through Katherine, I feel like I have gotten to know Tevis better in the brief time I have known her than in the years I knew him.

Fast forward to Friday night. I have had weird dreams recently. In my dream, I was in high school again and Tevis and I were dating. I had told my parents that I was going to the mall with Tevis, but instead we went back to his house where I spent the night. I knew my parents were going to be furious with me for lying. We sat in Tevis's room and listened to music. I can't remember the band, but I want to say it was either Joanna Newsome, Arcade Fire or Neutral Milk Hotel. At that point, I had never heard any of this music. I was blown away by it, loving it instantly. After listening to music, we decided to play on a Slip-n-Slide in his back yard. His house was the bright pink house that sits on the corner of Wilson Downing and Landsdowne Drive. Instead of that location, it was right off New Circle Road by Richmond Road. The house had a big backyard that went very far back. The Slip-n-Slide was an adult version, very very long. We slipped and slid for hours in the sun. When we were finished, I pulled a towel over the front of me and ran into the house to change. On my way in, soaking wet, Katherine said hello and told me she was glad I was there. I thought, "What an awesome lady to have for a boyfriend's mom." End of dream. When I woke up at 7:30, I knew I had to call Katherine to tell her about the dream. Coincidentally, she was on her way to the Gorge for her annual memorial hike for Tevis. What serendipitous timing.

I'm not sure what this dream means, but I am glad I had it. If you have read much of this blog, you can tell that I really enjoy dreams where I am visited by friends on the other side. This was no exception. I feel very honored to be visited while I'm sleeping. Thanks Tevis for making an appearance. Please come back again.


  1. For some strange reason, in the first post, I wrote Kathleen. I have no idea why I wrote that, as Tevis's mom's name is Katherine. I know this. I swear I do. My only excuse is that I was teary eyed when I wrote this. Im blaming the tears. And gigantic cranial flatulence. DOH!
