Monday, September 27, 2010


In thinking of moving into my new space, I have been extremely overwhelmed by all of the little stuff that I will need to buy for my new home. BandAids, a new toothbrush for Denali, sponges, soap, etc, all readily available and inexpensive. I'm not sure why I chose to focus on this trivial stuff. I knew I would need new furniture and all sorts of other stuff, either for my house or to replace stuff I have taken from Darin's house. If you know me, you know I am frugal and a seasoned thrifter. I was confident that i would be able to find all of the things I needed at a thrift store, little by little. I had resigned myself to not have some things for a while. I was okay with that. However, there was a different plan for me. My best friend's dada moved out of his house and left behind a houseful of nice new things. From a nice La-Z-Boy recliner, dishes, sheets, a curling iron, lava lamp (for Denali's new bedroom. I'm trying to make it really exciting for him.), lamps, mirrors towels, a bookcase, a pie safe, etc. There was so much stuff. My van was pretty loaded down. Just when I thought the van was full, I was offered even more great (vintage!!!!!) stuff from another unoccupied house. My van is so loaded down right now. There is no room for anyone but the driver. While I have been giddy to sign the lease on my new apartment, now I have the added excitement of signing it so I can get all of this stuff out of my van. I have been humbled and amazed at the providence that has appeared before me. My sincerest thanks for my friends, family and the Creator for allowing me access to all of these things that will ease this huge transition for Denali and I.

Darin and I had decided to split up the vehicles. I would take the van and he would take th truck and we could switch them out if one of us needed the other vehicle. The truck started misbehaving as soon as we made this agreement. I drove the truck into the shop this morning. At lunch, our (honest, reliable and fantastic) mechanic, Leo, called to say, "Your truck is just tired." Big Sexy, out truck, is leaking coolant into the cylinders. In other words, the engine is on its way out. Darin and I were trying to brainstorm how we were going to figure out cars until we could decide what to do next, When my dad called. My parents are going out of town for two weeks to Ireland. He offered for me to drive their car while they are gone. It is all working out just fine and I'm amazed. I shouldn't be. I should have complete faith that I will be put exactly where I am supposed to be, when I am supposed to be there. I just can't believe how quickly and thoroughly I am taken care of.

So, In closing, consider me humbled and with a heart full of gratitude.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren, I have a google alert set up for the word Benevolent and that's how I stumbled upon your Blog. It was uplifting to read. Thanks for sharing. It sounds like God is certainly looking after you. I am very happy for you. Good luck in your new venture. Debbie -
