Monday, October 4, 2010

Dia de los Muertos, part 1

Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays. I have never been good with costumes. I always come up with something half hearted at the last minute. This year, I have started early. I am going to be Willy Wonka for Halloween. I love anything with Johnny Depp as a weirdo. Charlie and the Chocolate factory was a favorite when I was younger. There are only two movies that I have ever seen on the first day they come out. The new C&tCF is one. At first, I thought WW was too Wacko Jacko. Now, I absolutely love it. My favorite part is when WW opens his factory for the first time. Once the kids are all inside the gates, the weird plastic kids started the singing and dancing. Then there is a spark and all of the plastic dolls start melting and the music slows down. Brilliant!

So, I have found a cheap hat, ribbons and feathers to fashion an appropriate hat. I am ordering goggles. I've watched videos on YouTube on how to do WW makeup. I'm excited to find the rest of the stuff to go along with it. I'm going thrifting on Wednesday (half price day!) and costuming is high on my list of things to search for.

The orignial intention for this post, hince the title, was to be about celebrating the Day of the Dead. I'm going to finish that thought later.

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