Friday, October 15, 2010


If you are reading this, I'm making the assumption that you know me. You know I don't have much of a filter. I have a hard time deciding what is too much information. I feel like my life is full of dichotomies right now. Looking back through the blog, I have over used the phrase, "Part of me feels like..., while another part of me feels..." This statement sums up my life right now. The dichotomy that comes to mind this morning is my filter, or lack thereof. I have tried to be good about not talking a lot about how I am feeling to many people, keeping it to my very close friends. I guess I have shared it on here, too. Yikes. I realize that it is important to express myself and not hold it all inside. I don't feel like I am doing that, just that not everyone and their brother wants to hear about the current state of my life. I can't blame them. I had two friends over last night. We sat and talked and I dominated the conversation with my stuff. I felt ridiculous. I needed to stop talking and I had a hard time doing so.

So here is the dichotomy of the hour. I feel that it is imperative that people be honest and open about their experiences. For years, I have equated silence with shame. Now I am realizing that I can keep things to myself without feeling shame. There are very few things that I feel regret or shame about. Even the things that I am entirely accepting of, they don't need to be told to anyone that will listen. Sometimes I just need to shut my mouth. However, I have had numerous situations where I told too much, only to have someone relate their own experience that they typically would not have opened up about. Where do I draw that line of shutting up and relating my experiences? I'm working on figuring that out.

1 comment:

  1. There are times that we really need to talk, to let it out, and it's okay to do so. I think you were in a safe place last night with your friends, and so you opened up.

    It's okay to play your cards close to your chest, but it's also okay to let go sometimes. When you talk to friends and they recount some of their experiences, it can be helpful to you.

    It's also okay to not know where that line is right now. You're still in transition, and you can't wish for that part of your life to be over yet. Time takes time, as a good friend of mine likes to say.
